Getting back to this blog thing I suppose. There are some issues that still continue to bother me (which you are aware, if you red that silly personal blog post), so I don’t really know how regularly I will be updating. Anyway, here are some great new albums that you might or might not be aware of.
Hell yeah, Satan’s Fingers just released their debut full-length Enduring Love. They are one of my favourite live bands these days. Ok, I’ve only seen them twice, but really loved every second of those performances. However, It’s probably not that easy to turn that dynamic live duo performance into an equally perfect studio album. They do a mighty good job though, because this thing sure does work wonderfully on this record as well. Such a damn fine band. Energetic rock tunes, male-female vocal interplay, lovely melodies and catchy choruses. The lo-fi twat in me totally approves the not-too-polished sounds and actually loves them. The indie snob in me totally approves mentioning Big Star in the lyrics and picking up the band name from that The Mountain Goats song. This definitely sounds a bit like The Mountain Goats as well, because of Ville’s voice and melodic sense. Obviously I have nothing against that. This is the album opener, Beauty of Punk.
This is a life of high excitement. There’s also a new The Rollstons album out there called Swiss Time. The Rollstons are one of the dearest bands in the whole wide world for me and this new album is another blissfully twisted indie rock treasure. I’m very much enjoying this right now and hopefully I manage to write a bigger piece about this during the spring/early summer. While waiting for that to happen, check out I am Asparagus from the album below and pick up a copy of the album from the local record store. Both The Rollstons and Satan’s Fingers albums are now out and available on the wonderful Levy-yhtiö Äänetön.
Moving on to the American version of The Rollstons. Well not really, but Smug Brothers and The Rollstons do have a lot of same influences from the 90s US indie rock. Somehow Smug Brothers have slipped under my radar completely, but thankfully the most excellent Captain’s Dead blog educated me and after reading about Smug Brothers there, I went and downloaded three of their albums from their Bandcamp. That’s pretty much what I have been listening to all week long. The new one is called Woodpecker Paradise and it’s a mighty fine record. They are from Dayton, Ohio, Don Thrasher plays the drums and they perfectly master the art of writing short indie rock tunes. So yeah, Guided By Voices is obviously the name that comes to mind. Which I love of course. This is Teach Them a Slide from the new one. You can buy their whole discography over at Bandcamp.