The major labels quite rarely get things right, but always credit when credit is due. Leon Bridges sure is awesome and it’s a pleasure to listen to this smooth old-fashioned soul/gospel sensation. This is definitely worth all the hype. If I really want to nitpick (which I don’t), occasionally the overall style, execution and delivery of the song is a bigger pleasure than the song itself. But who cares if a song or two are not that amazing as compositions, if I still love listening to every second of the album. Well done Leon Bridges. This is Better Man from his new album Coming Home that is out now on Columbia Records.
More old-fashioned sounds, but from another angle. A long-time favourite Woody Pines from Nashville, Tennessee just released a new self-titled album. This one is out on Muddy Roots. So major label for Woody Pines is not yet a reality. Only in my dreams I suppose. Anyway, it’s a mighty fine album in the american tradition. Old timey roots music, folk, blues, ragtime combined with a small hint of modern flavours. Fabulous stuff and so damn enjoyable. Extremely highly recommended. This is Make it To the Woods from the new album.